#!/bin/bash source .env if [ $(id -u) != "0" ]; then echo "Error: You must be root to run this script" exit 1 fi # 部署之前先分发 init 内容 scp -r init/ root@${MASTER1}:/tmp/ scp -r init/ root@${MASTER2}:/tmp/ scp -r init/ root@${MASTER3}:/tmp/ ssh root@${MASTER1} "cd /tmp/init/ && bash ./init.sh" ssh root@${MASTER2} "cd /tmp/init/ && bash ./init.sh" ssh root@${MASTER3} "cd /tmp/init/ && bash ./init.sh" # 生成keepalived配置文件 git checkout keepalived/*.conf sed -e "s/__MASTER1__/${MASTER1}/g" \ -e "s/__MASTER2__/${MASTER2}/g" \ -e "s/__MASTER3__/${MASTER3}/g" \ -e "s/__VIP__/${API_SERVER}/g" \ -e "s/__NETWORK_NIC__/${NETWORK_NIC}/g" \ -i keepalived/*.conf # 分发仓库文件 rsync -avz --exclude=temp * root@${MASTER1}:/tmp/ rsync -avz --exclude=temp * root@${MASTER2}:/tmp/ rsync -avz --exclude=temp * root@${MASTER3}:/tmp/ # keepalived 配置 ssh root@${MASTER1} "cd /tmp/keepalived/ && bash install.sh && cp -r keepalived1.conf /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf && systemctl restart keepalived" ssh root@${MASTER2} "cd /tmp/keepalived/ && bash install.sh && cp -r keepalived2.conf /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf && systemctl restart keepalived" ssh root@${MASTER3} "cd /tmp/keepalived/ && bash install.sh && cp -r keepalived3.conf /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf && systemctl restart keepalived" # 安装Docker ssh root@${MASTER1} "cd /tmp/docker/ && bash ./install.sh" ssh root@${MASTER2} "cd /tmp/docker/ && bash ./install.sh" ssh root@${MASTER3} "cd /tmp/docker/ && bash ./install.sh" # 安装 kubeadm 组件 ssh root@${MASTER1} "cd /tmp/kubeadm/ && bash install.sh" ssh root@${MASTER2} "cd /tmp/kubeadm/ && bash install.sh" ssh root@${MASTER3} "cd /tmp/kubeadm/ && bash install.sh" # 导入flannel镜像 ssh root@${MASTER1} "cd /tmp/flannel/ && bash install.sh" ssh root@${MASTER2} "cd /tmp/flannel/ && bash install.sh" ssh root@${MASTER3} "cd /tmp/flannel/ && bash install.sh" # 创建集群 ssh root@${MASTER1} "cd /tmp/kubeadm && ./create_cluster.sh ${API_SERVER} | tee /tmp/install.log" # 获取安装信息 MASTER_JOIN_COMMAND=$(ssh root@${MASTER1} 'cat /tmp/install.log | grep -A 5 "You can now join any number of the control-plane" | grep -vE "You can now join any number of the control-plane|^$."') ssh root@${MASTER2} "${MASTER_JOIN_COMMAND}" ssh root@${MASTER3} "${MASTER_JOIN_COMMAND}"